We’re still Open and operating as normal….well almost normal

Operating Hours
Our operating hours are slightly limited mainly due to the lower work volume.
We’re now open 9am – 3pm, Monday – Friday.
Impacts on operations
We still have FREE Shipping for all orders over $100. We have been shipping Australia Wide and also Internationally (actually quite a lot internationally of late).
We have noticed that Shipping times have been taking longer with Australia Post and all other courier services due to everyone being stretched at this crazy time, please allow for that if you have an urgent deadline.
Can I pick up my orders?
Technically you can… BUT…we’d prefer everything to be shipped. So unless it’s some kind of emergency and you simply can’t afford to pay for shipping please choose to have your orders shipped. This just helps avoid any further contact or potential spreading of Covid-19 (Corona Virus).
If you ‘must’ pick up your orders Please do NOT come inside our workshop. You will have to pick up your order from our Pick-up Box out the front of the workshop.

Phone, Live Chat and Email Support
Are you even there I hear you say?
We’re running skeleton staff at the moment and I’m (Shane) am back on the tools full time now, including phone, live chat, email etc. so the reality is I’m a little slow sometimes and not quite as prompt as far as answering the phone, emailing back at lightning speed and even missing the odd live chat.
Please be patient. Live chat is great if you catch me on it as we can generally work anything out on there.
Phone 1300 90 30 65 or 0426 455 779
Email info@inkfx.com.au
Live Chat (bottom right of the website – click to chat)
We’re here to help
Are you struggling with this whole isolation thing? Has business slowed or come to a standstill? If you want to chat and bounce some ideas off someone regarding business and moving forward we’d love to chat call us 1300 90 30 65 OR 0426 455 779 and we can brainstorm together.
It’s actually amazing some of the cool ideas that people are coming up with to keep things moving. We are living in unique times that will certainly shake up the industry with some leaving the industry, others sticking around cementing their place in the market.

Market(ing) Opportunities for Photographers
Do you have a database of existing clients?
Do you have a mailing list of your customers? Past present and ‘leads’?
With the limited capacity to be able to physically get your customers into your studio or on location for a shoot you can be guaranteed that there are alot of your contacts/customers etc. who have photos they need printed or would like to deck the house out since they’re couped up!
You could email OR ideally make it more personal and physically PHONE each of your customers, have a chat, Find out how you can help them, let them know that you’ve put together a special for your valued existing clients if they order xxxxx they get xxxxxx FREE + a Gift Voucher for their next shoot (as an example), you’ve worked out a special deal with your Pro Lab Professional Printer and you’re able to do xxxx for them. (We can ship direct to them for you WHITE LABEL!!)
Driveway Shoots!

I’ve seen this going on in the USA and also in Australia photographers doing ‘Driveway shoots’ where you organize a time with your clients you drive up to their house.
The family get’s all dressed up for their Photo Shoot on their front lawn, garden, in front of their house, tree, fancy car or whatever they like. (You give them clear instructions – just a few dot points on how it works BEFORE you get there).

You do the shoot from a socially responsible distance to get a few great shots (for whatever package you put together as your Corona Driveway Shoot Special / or I’m sure you can come up with a better name with a little brainstorming 😉)
Then we can print and ship direct to your customer!
Anyway, that’s just a few ideas, if you have some extra time, sit down with a pen and paper and work out who is still employed e.g. Emergency services, Police, Fire, Ambo, Doctors, Nurses etc etc etc and then come up with ways that you can connect or market towards those groups of people who would probably love to have a shoot done (in their front yard or wherever) that is legal, and responsible.
Let me know if this is helpful. Let’s chat!