Photographers Spotlight – MattzPixz Photography

MattzPixz Photography | Palm Springs | InkFX Printing

InkFX Photographer Spotlight interview with MattzPixz Photography

Studio Name: MattzPixz Photography
Studio Location:  Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Facebook Page:

MattzPixz Photography | Fashion Gold Coast, InkFX Printing

What is your background and how did you get into photography?

My working life started out with an apprenticeship in cabinet making. Once certified, I left and joined the garage door industry as a service technician (bit of a change I know) but I was just tired of being cooped up in a factory all day building cupboards.

I wanted to get out and meet new people every day. I spent 3.5 years in that industry when I had a job opportunity arise to be a welder (another drastic change) in the Mount Isa Mines.

At that point I had been doing some travel, and the only way to keep traveling, is to make $$$. I took the job and relocated to far NE QLD where I spent 2 years working/saving and traveling.

On my travel journey’s I constantly found myself behind the camera. I just loved to share what I was seeing, with everyone. This ended up becoming an obsession, and I would find myself out at unusual times, chasing light and shadows.

MattzPixz Photography | TT MMA InkFX Printing

I just fell in love with taking photos, but I wanted more. I needed to truly understand how to use my camera. I then commenced a Diploma in Professional Photography via digital correspondence with The Photography Institute, in between my shifts at the mine.

After 6 months of study and saving, I was fed up with mining life and sick of going to a job that I didn’t like. I then knew what I wanted and made the biggest decision of my life. I knew I wanted to be a photographer, so… I did what any normal person does 🙂

I quit my job! Moved back to the coast and studied full time for the remainder of the course. Once completed, I spent the next 2 years constantly shooting and really getting to know and understand my camera/equipment.

Watched countless hours of photography tutorials and read numerous books and really crammed as much photog info I could in my head. I then stepped out and created my business, and have never looked back since! I can now say that I love my job! MattzPixz Photography was born!

What type of photography do you shoot?

I shoot Travel/Landscape, Portraiture, Fashion/Editorial, Events and even Weddings

MattzPixz Photography | Burleigh InkFX Printing

What is your favourite type of photography?

Landscape, I just love shooting beautiful scenery lit with smooth light. I love being able to translate what I see through my lens, and put that on a medium for people to view and enjoy and even get that same feeling I did when I was capturing that moment.

MattzPixz Photography | NaturalArch InkFX Printing

What is your photographic style?

How did you develop this style? I don’t think I can really describe my style as it’s quite diverse. On one hand I love creating bright, saturated and very inviting scenes. Then on the other, I love to create mood with contrast and deep shadows to stir up emotions and feelings. My style is quite a mix and I think it will remain that way as I love to always mix things up and stay a little different and surprise people.

MattzPixz Photography | Surfers Paradise InkFX Printing

What is in your photography kit?

I am a Nikon Man! Nikon D810 + D7100, GoPro Hero4, DJI Phantom Vision 2+. Nikon 14-24, 24-70, 70-200. 105mm Macro. Sigma 35mm ART. A bunch of filters. Gitzo GT3532LS Tripod. RRS BH55 B/H. Several SB-910’s and a Profoto B1 Air. A vast array of studio equipment/modifiers and gadgets. I like to be set for any gig.

MattzPixz Photography | Gold Coast InkFX Printing

What is one piece of photography kit you just couldn’t live without?

Apart from my camera, I couldn’t go far without my LowePro backpack!Without it I wouldn’t have my options with lens choices and gear protection!

MattzPixz Photography | EM Portrait | InkFx

What post processing tools/software/plugins do you use?

I use LR, PS, Nik Software Collection and Topaz Labs. Wacom Tablet.

MattzPixz Photography | LA wall InkFx

What is your best photography tip and post processing tip?

The Best MattzPixz Photography tip would be, It’s better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it!! I always over pack for a shoot, my car is fully loaded! Because it’s that one day where you’ll need that one piece to make your job so much easier, and you’ve left it behind! Processing tip… If you don’t love it, move on.

Also, when you have been working on an image for some time, get up and change your scenery for 10mins, you always come back with a fresh view and an eye for the details.

MattzPixz Photography | Rodeo Drive

What was your greatest challenge so far as a professional photographer?

Believing in myself and my judgements! I have come a long way since I would second guess a lot of shots and decisions I would make. I have learnt that 9 times out of 10, your first decision is usually the best.

What is your favourite InkFX medium to have your work printed on & why?

By far my favourite is the HD Aluminium prints. They are just unreal! It’s something you truly have to see in front of you to grasp just how great images turn out on these.

The colours are well saturated and the clarity still remains sharp. It almost brings a sort of 3D feel to it. Each person who I have shown has loved it! Do yourself a favour and try one!

Tell Shane Matt from MattzPixz Photography sent you 😉

If you were able to give any advice or recommendations to someone starting out in their Photography career what would it be?

Believe in yourself and don’t give up! Get out there and shoot shoot shoot! Photographers are always needed and all you need is to gain experience and get your foot in the door! Any opportunity you get to shoot, take it!

There are so many great websites out there to gain information and training from, the more you know, the more you can do!

Always remember that you don’t need the most expensive piece of kit to take great images like all your favourite pro’s, utilize what you have and learn to use it.

Any last words of wisdom, advice or marketing tips?

Just keep at it! Set yourself little assignments from time to time to keep active during any down time you may have.

Get out there on social media and post each day, get your product out there for everyone to see! Always have fun and remember why you started taking photos!

MattzPixz Photography | Matt Marney

MattzPixz Photography

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