“Here’s A Very Limited Opportunity to Get Aluminium HD Metal Prints at 1/2 Price!”
For over 5 years, and making thousands and thousands of of amazing, beautiful Aluminium HD Metal Chromaluxe Prints and unfortunately that also means we’ve accumulated hundreds of ‘2nd’s’.
What’s a 2nd? It’s sheetstock that has a small often very tiny defect e.g. a pimple in the coating of the Aluminium HD Metal that is too big to be shipped as a ‘first’. Or a small chip on the edge. To be honest we’ve had many people call us after ordering a 2nd and say “Are you sure this is a 2nd??!! We can’t find anything wrong with it at all!!”
So to be honest when it’s on the wall there is a good chance that you will never see the ‘fault’ with it! If you order one that ‘needs’ to be framed we will call you before proceeding.
